Shankar’s I audio Release- Arnold Taught Lesson about Punctuality


Yes, that’s true Arnold Left I audio function Soon. We can’t See Arnold in I audio release Photos. Rajinikanth released the CD to Puneeth raj kumar. Surprisingly Arnold was missing from the scene.

Yesterday I wrote a blog post about “What Arnold going to do with I?”, after reading that post one of my friend who is in movie industry called and explained about that exactly happened in Audio function. He agreed with my Post that Arnold not having any connection with the movie except the film loosely bound on Body building and man’s Beauty. He also added that Arnold did a wonderful job of teaching us about Punctuality.

Last time when Jackie Chan was invited a s chief guest for aascar Ravichandran’s, The producer of Dasavatharam and I, Jackie thought us about simplicity and courtesy. But In I audio release Arnold took chance to teach us about time and punctuality.

When Arnold was invited to I function He planned very well his first India trip. After small jetlag, Morning He visited tamilnadu CM, later he gave appointments to few artists and fans. After function He planned to take rest and Leave to Delhi. There he had other trip plans.

So the schedule given to Arnold about the function was 3.30 Pm to 8.30 PM. As per plan he will be staying there until end of the function. But something messed up, The function was not started as per the plan. It got delayed until 7.00 Pm.

Arnold was asked to wait until the function start. He was ready at 2.30 Pm and simply waiting. Waiting.. Waiting long. Rajini and Kaml to informed previously about the delay. Unfortunately Kamal was having Stomac upset due to food poising at last minute he informed that he can’t participate.

Vikram was asked to do special makeup which will take long the worst part is to clear the make-up at least it will take 2 hours. Due to the delay n start, Vikram can’t able to Clear his make-up and due that he was absent in the release photo.

Arnold entered around 7.30 Pm but he was strict with his plans, He got irritated about the Delay. Arnold expressed his concern to the I Producers about the delay and He excused from Staying long. As per his schedule he got ready at 2.30 Pm and attended the function and left at 8.30 PM. Unfortunately Audio was released at 9.30 Pm.

When Arnold was requested to talk immediately, Even Bobby Simha does not know that He is going to leave soon. Simaha requested Arnold to Talk about Movie Later, But Arnold Replied that He only will decide when to talk and what to talk. It may sound arrogant but on the other hand it’s the words of the man a simple farmer from Austria came to Hollywood and become an action star. It’s his confidence and winning formula.Punchulity and inviduality is the secret of Arnold’s Success. Right?

They spent Corers to conduct this function still it was mystery why the delay is caused. We need to wait to hear the I Producer side story about the delay; do they have any meaningful reason for the delay?